online Content Writing

Website Words

Customer-focused content that enlightens, engages, and occasionally entertains!

Creative writing, written in the style that constantly conveys the question “How can we help you?”

Always highlighting the benefits of your products or services rather than just constantly shouting about the features, our website writing is conversational in style but still with the ultimate aim of bringing you in more enquiries, more business, and more profits.

And with our many years of industry sector experience, we understand what it takes to turn your website visitors into serious enquiries. – Maybe de-mystifying what you do, what you offer, and why it’s you that will provide their perfect solution.


‘Article’ is a well-known phrase that is related initially to magazines and newspapers in journalistic terms. Nowadays, an article can be published anywhere – including online.

An article will feature industry-related news and items about your business, your products, and your services that will be of interest to your clients and your prospects.

Consisting of probably 2,500 words and more, it’s a much more in-depth piece of writing than a blog and conveys facts, information, and news with an unbiased perspective. This makes an article less dramatic than a blog and more grammatically structured.


The word blog is a shortened form of its original name, “weblog.” These weblogs allowed early internet users to “log” the details of their day in diary-style entries.

These days, as well as the words(!), blogs now include graphics and pictures to grab attention.

A blog is much shorter than an article and written in a more informal style. Including facts and information, it’s usually written from a personal perspective with opinions to match.

As a valuable marketing pillar, they feature frequent updates, informal language, and opportunities for readers to engage and start a conversation.

Press Releases

These are an established form of marketing that goes back decades! We can write regular press releases for your business that clearly and concisely summarise your latest big news.

Online and offline publications are always hungry for this content, so take advantage of this marketing opportunity!


Business Profiles

Do your customers and prospects know all about you?

Do they know exactly what you do and what you can offer?

Do they know why you’re better than the competition and why they should trust you?

If not, then you need SnapShot!

SnapShot is a concise and compelling business profile that accurately explains and ‘sells’ your business.


It highlights all the benefits of working with you and investing in your services or products in a ‘conversational’ way rather than in ‘corporate speak’ to inform, engage and persuade.


It’s perfect for your website, your project proposals, and your social media channels.


Sign up for SnapShot today and let us help you increase profits for your business.