video script Writing

the statistics

✔ Video is booming!

✔ Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it compared to 10% when they read it.

✔ Marketers who use video increase their revenue 49% faster.

✔ Video drives a 157% increase in traffic from a search.

✔ Video on a landing page is 53% more likely to reach page one on search engine results.

Marketing videos must be focused on the prospect. There must be an emphasis on ‘show and tell’. Videos need to be written to attract, keep attention, and prompt viewers to act.

a video for every occasion

There are five types of online video:

Video Sales Letters (a VSL)
A VSL is like a personal 1:1 conversation. Selling a product or service, it’s ‘show and tell’ which brings the message to life. Solving a need, a problem, or a desire, a VSL is able to provide an irrisistable offer leading to the call to action.

Explainer and Demo Videos
These show how a product or service can solve a problem. They are a very persuasive form of video that can run through all the benefits, show happy customers and end with a call to action.

How-To (Help) Videos
They give advice, show step-by-step instructions, cover major FAQ’s and, above all, help the prospect or new customer.

Case Study/Testimonial Videos
These are real stories of customer success using the client’s product or service. It’s the before and after story. Featuring comments from customers on camera, a case study or testimonial video is an extremely powerful and persuasive marketing tool.

Webinar Videos
These are live presentations that, once recorded, have long-lasting prospecting benefits. This service might also include help with assembling the presentation slides. Presented by experts, they must always end with a call to action.


So it’s a blend of narrative text for the on-camera presenter or voice-over as well as instructions as to what viewers will see on their screens at each point in the production. We provide the scripted words as well as the instructions for all the visual aspects.

And don’t forget the captions! – 85% of Facebook users watch videos with the sound turned down!

We also write an SEO-friendly title and video description and include additional landing page copy if required.

Let’s discuss your video script writing and production requirements.